Home Improvment

Top 10 Checklist for Selling Your Home by Owner

Many people are under the impression that selling their home by owner can result in more money than putting it on the market and hiring an agent to handle it, but this isn’t always the case. If you’re hoping to sell your home by owner, then you should ensure that you follow this top 10 checklist first so that you don’t make any mistakes along the way. Otherwise, you could find yourself with less money in your pocket and fewer potential buyers knocking on your door.

1) Clean out closets

This is one of the best cheklists to follow when you are selling your home by owner. You want to remove any items that are not needed and make the closets look as spacious as possible. This will give potential buyers the impression that your home has plenty of storage space. Plus, it will make it easier for them to picture their own belongings in the home. It’s also a good idea to declutter other areas of the house like family rooms or bedrooms so they don’t feel cluttered.

If there are children living in the home, consider staging a bedroom with toys and stuffed animals on a bed so it appears occupied with life. If pets live there too, include them too. Put bowls out for food and water and scatter their toys around the room or yard so they appear to be living there too!

2) Fix anything broken

The first thing you should do is make a list of any and all repairs that need to be made. This is your best cheklist to follow because it will help ensure that your home is in top condition when potential buyers come to look at it. Even if something seems minor, like a cracked tile or a leaking faucet, fixing it will show buyers that you take pride in your home and are willing to put in the work to keep it well-maintained.

3) Price your home competitively

You want to be sure to price your home competitively. This is one of the most important things you can do when selling your home by owner. You don’t want to overprice and have your home sit on the market, but you also don’t want to underprice and leave money on the table. The best way to find a competitive price is to look at comparable homes in your area that have recently sold.

4) Advertise all around town

List your home on popular websites, put up flyers and signs around town, and tell everyone you know that you’re selling your home. You want to make sure as many people as possible are aware of your sale. The more buyers who see it, the better chance you have of getting a good offer!

– Prepare your home: Fix any problems or do anything necessary to make your house look its best. Clean out the basement or garage and remove anything that might be worth money but won’t help sell the house (i.e., outdated electronics).

– Price it right: Pricing too high will scare off potential buyers; pricing too low could lead to someone making an offer below market value.

5) Stage your home properly

  1. First impressions matter, so make sure your home’s curb appeal is on point. This means mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and power washing the exterior.
  2. The inside of your home should be just as presentable as the outside. This means decluttering, deep cleaning, and perhaps even repainting walls or replacing carpets.
  3. Once your home is clean and clutter-free, it’s time to stage it.

6) Get help from the pros

Use a real estate attorney to help you understand the contract and what you’re legally obligated to do.

Hire a real estate agent to give you an idea of what buyers in your area are looking for and what kind of market you’re in.

Get a home inspection from a certified inspector. This will help you identify any necessary repairs that should be made before listing your home.

Get a comparative market analysis (CMA) from a real estate agent.

7) Prepare to be flexible

Being flexible with your schedule is one of the best things you can do when selling your home by owner. You never know when a potential buyer is going to want to see your home, so being able to accommodate their schedule will show that you’re serious about selling.

Additionally, be prepared to negotiate. This is probably the most important part of selling your home by owner.

8) Follow up with everyone you show your home to.

One of the best pieces of advice when selling your home by owner is to follow up with everyone who you show your home to. By following up, you not only show that you are interested in selling your home, but you may also be able to get some feedback about what potential buyers liked and didn’t like about your home.

9) Do everything you can to get it sold fast.

The best way to sell your home fast is to do everything you can to make it appealing to buyers. This means decluttering, deep cleaning, and making any necessary repairs or improvements. You should also stage your home so that it looks its best and take great photos to show off online. Pricing your home correctly is also key – be sure to do your research and price it competitively. Lastly, be prepared to negotiate and be flexible on things like price, repairs, and closing date.

10) If it doesn’t sell, price it lower!

You’ve decided to sell your home by owner. Congratulations! This is a great way to save money on real estate commissions. But before you put that For Sale by Owner sign in your front yard, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. Here’s a checklist of the top 10 things you need to do -Make sure you know what your asking price should be

-Clean up and declutter your house

-Spruce up the exterior with fresh paint and landscaping

-Curb appeal will help bring buyers in to look at what’s inside

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