Tips & Techniques

A Guide To How To Create Hospital Corners On Your Bed

The bed-making method called hospital corners may not sound welcoming, but it’s something you’ve probably seen it at your favourite hotels. And you can do it at home by yourself too. Using hospital corners gives your flat sheets a clean, smooth, and fitted appearance. This method is popular with luxury hotels because it shows attention to detail in a bed’s presentation. 

However, you might be asking yourself, what is the purpose of this technique? Does it have anything in common with military corners? Well, let’s say it does. Hospitals and military personnel use this method to keep their bed sheets neat and tidy to look neat and clean.

It refers to a specific way of folding a flat’s corners when making the bed, known as hospital corners or military corners. Considering that your flat sheet is 90 degrees at each corner, if it flops down at the edge of the bed, it will result in an excess fabric that is hard to pull under your mattress. This sometimes looks untidy and quite messy. This method lets you neatly tuck the sheet into the mattress corners while giving it a polished look.

This method is perfect for anyone who enjoys the look of a perfectly made bed and likes to feel extra snug at night.

Hospital Corners: How to Fold Them

  • Lay the fitted sheet on the bed – Fitted sheets are typically underneath flat sheets, so pull the fitted sheet tight on the bed as you usually would.
    The same method can be used with two flat sheets instead of a fitted sheet. If using a flat sheet on the bottom, ensure it’s big enough to cover every edge of the mattress and tuck in all four corners.
  • Top the fitted sheet with a flat sheet – Next, lay the flat sheet on the bed. Ensure the top edge of your flat sheet aligns with the leading edge of your mattress. Let the other three sides overhang evenly as well.
  • Flat sheets should be straightened and tucked at the bottom – It is recommended to flatten the flat sheet with your hand. You do so by lifting the mattress, tucking it underneath, and then smoothing it out again.
  • Make a corner out of the excess fabric – The excess sheet fabric hangs from one corner of the bed, so grab it at the side. Hold the extra flat sheet about a foot from the corner, then fold it upwards to create a 45-degree angle on the bed top.
  • Tuck the loose fabric under the mattress  – It’s important to tuck under the mattress any excess material that hangs down after folding the corner of the sheet on top of the mattress. Pull the excess fabric tight at the bottom edge of the mattress before tucking it under.
  • Corners should be folded downward – Fold back the folded triangle over the edge of the mattress and tuck it under the mattress.
  • Repeat – Afterward, repeat the process on the other bottom corner of the bed. Repeat the process on all four corners if the mattress is covered with a flat sheet.

Spruce up your bed

Now that you have learned how to do hospital corners, your bed will look much tidier than ever. However, a little bit of sprucing up never hurt anyone. 

New bedding

When it comes to upgrading your room’s look, you should start with the bedding. Since the bed occupies the lion’s share of the room, updating its sheets is a great way to give it a fresh look. You can upgrade your bedsheets with some trendy prints or clean, bold colours. Add a bolster to provide it with some cushioned indulgence. Bedsheets can become breeding grounds for bacteria, so experts recommend washing them regularly. Having a spare set of sheets will make you enjoy that crisp, freshly-made bed feeling more frequently.

Cosy nook

Adding a well-segregated ‘quiet corner’ to your bedroom would be great, ideally near a window, where you can read a book or watch the world pass by if you have space. If you want one, set up a comfortable armchair, some cushions, and a rug to keep your feet warm.

Place a bench

Finding anything better than a bench in a home setting is impossible. A bench at the end of your bed brings peace and tranquillity to the room


You can increase your room’s attractiveness inexpensively and quickly with lighting. A wide range of lighting options are available depending on your taste. Lanterns and fairy lights for a feminine or fantastical look. Cool spotlights, table or floor lamps can be classy, edgy or retro, all depending on your preferences. 

In addition, a couple of lamps provide the advantage of adjustable wattage, so you can choose between soft lighting for relaxing or powering up all the bulbs for working.

Change the bed for platformed one

There’s something about seeing some of the space under the furniture that makes us perceive the floor space as bigger. Platform beds – beds on legs with a decent amount of space under them – give off the impression of more space. It’s also important to note that platform beds usually have sleeker frames, which are great for rooms with less space. Additionally, a few drawers or storage boxes fit neatly under, giving you a couple of extra shelves.

Put some flowers

Like plants, you can use flowers in your bedroom to introduce colour and a sense of happiness. Whether you place a vase of pretty peonies on your bedside table or window sill, they will also lift your mood and the mood of the room.

Pay attention to textiles

Your room can be updated quickly with a bright rug and matching curtains. See rugs to rent here. Get the perfect curtains, and your bedroom is ready to go. A rug adds a cosy element to the decor and encourages floor seating if the room gets crowded. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming to revamp a room. Including a few sensible pieces and renting out some standout pieces can boost the aesthetic value of your room at a low cost and commitment. 


Following these tips, you will have a tidy and cosy bedroom where you can rest at the end of a busy day. To make matters even better, book a domestic cleaning service to help you clean every corner of the room. Now you can rest in a completely dust-free, clutter-free and tidy space. 

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