
Diesel or Gas Generator for Your Home?

When it comes to having emergency power during an emergency, nothing beats an electric generator. As the years have moved forward, these generators have become more efficient, quieter, and more affordable. Generators in the old days resembled small gasoline engines that you would see in a car. Today, they are smaller and sleeker than ever before. They are also more user-friendly. 

They come in all sizes and with various electric output capability. And to the point of this article, they can run on gasoline or diesel fuel. So, what are the big differences between the two?

According to a supplier of diesel generator fuel in Lynchburg Virginia, the difference may not be readily available by just looking at the machine but there definitely is one. They say that gasoline generators may be a little bit cheaper but are inefficient in comparison. Not only that, but the flashpoint of diesel compared to gas in low which means it’s safer overall. 

Both kinds of machines will produce the power you need and are comparable in terms of “up time” as well as dependability. But diesel powered generators tend to be cheaper and safer to operate and there is no disputing this fact. 

Diesel fuel is found at just about every filling station where you find gasoline. Many vehicles run on this fuel. And to sweeten the pot even more I must mention that diesel fuel has a better shelf life. It is basically double that of gasoline. Diesel is good for 12-24 months sitting on the shelf whereas gasoline is good for 6-12 months. You often have to buy gasoline stabilizers, a chemical you add to the fuel, so that it makes it past the one year mark. 

Anyone who has ever owned a generator knows that it sits idle for 99% of its life. Only during emergencies will you need to be able to count on that thing firing up. And if it isn’t working, this may cause the user to panic. 

I believe by now you can tell the tenor of this article. Diesel powered generators and the fuel itself are better, safer and more reliable. Diesel generators are built on a slightly sturdier frame too. The way diesel engines are designed, they require wide and strong cylinders to handle to enormous pressures. This means they can take more of a beating than other types of generator. 

So, if you are in the market for a power generator that you will take camping or break out in an emergency, spend the extra few bucks and buy a diesel generator. They are the types of generator most relied on by large businesses and hospitals. If it’s good enough for them it should be good enough for you. 

If you own a business or run a large building, a diesel generator is really the only way to go. Think about diesel trains or diesel powered ships. These companies use diesel because they know it is reliable and efficient. That should tell you all you need to know about diesel fueled generators. 

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